»life. happens. outside.«

Daily routine is an enemy of time. The majority of people live in the belief that they create their own life. The alarm clock goes off at the same time every day. They wake up and abruptly think about problems. Then they reach for their cell phone. They check WhatsApp, Facebook, emails, Instagram, Twitter - and feel connected to their world. Then the usual routine follows. You get up on the same side of the bed, go to the toilet, turn on the coffee machine, get dressed, drive the same way to work, meet the same people there, ... from this a routine develops, from which a program builds up in the subconscious over years. These people do not create themselves - they program themselves. They give their free will to a program. How are their thoughts and feelings supposed to change? How are they supposed to open their minds to something new? They wish for something while asking themselves "How can I break free, what can I change, how can I feel liberated?" Yet their body is in a completely different program. Some go through life with the expectation that something fantastic will happen that will fundamentally change everything. That life will be unique. I realized that I have to do something myself to make that happen.

Constant pursuit.

I firmly believe that a photographer becomes better at what he does when he travels.I don't think an actor gets better when he stands in front of the mirror instead of on stage. We are social beings. In my opinion, we can't be good, work well, if we are alone, on our own. We need each other. We become better when we communicate and complement each other. In the community we become not only better but also stronger and can work/live much better. I travel to see how the world works and to report about it. To feel how unimportant things are that you worry about at home.

To maybe inspire other people to do the same.

[photos on this page will be regularly updated]